Spread as the effect of the network marketing is the enterprise, many enterprises to join in the network marketing industry, using relevant optimization techniques, improve site keywords lies in the natural search engine rankings, believe a lot of personnel engaged in optimization, will encounter this kind of problem, is when doing the optimization, keyword optimization ranking often beyond by peers, and their rankings but has been unable to ascend, then what should I do?
That this phenomenon shows that: first, the key competitiveness is very big, the second, the aspects that rivals keyword optimization is done well, if you want to get a better ranking than each other, you will need to get to know each other first, analysis the competition website, they do good place, from the station structure, code, keyword promotion outside the station layout, outside the chain of distribution, etc., the so-called enemy and know yourself, in order to better use of their own, for their use, and then combined with their own advantages, so as to help oneself, let oneself of the site to get better ranking, today the depth of the network will you share the detailed analysis of the competition website optimization technique, from which aspects to analyze.
The first step is to analyze competitors website structure
A good website optimization must have a good site structure, good structure to favour spiders station information, from help double page keywords ranking, this is the basis to do optimization, if your site structure is not in conformity with the optimized rules, it becomes almost impossible to further site keywords beyond rivals, so this time will be on your own website structure to carry on the corresponding adjustment, change, ranking will rise.
Second, analysis the competition website source code
Code of downsizing is also influence search engine grab effect, this time can see the details of code optimization, competitors and see what are the aspects of the measures is conducive to seo optimization measures, if you look at the surface of the page that is invisible, only view source can clear competitor site internal optimization method, such as whether to adopt the H1 tags, image ALT attributes is how to populate and optimized, and web page code how to follow the W3C standard, then in your own web site source code analysis.
Third, analysis the competition website title Settings
View your competitors website title, is to do optimization is an important step, analyzing other people's words, to choose their own layout of related keywords and keywords, and died of keywords and content close contact, so that we layout on his website keywords, will be more accurate, more optimization based on the optimization of good layer and website title should be a better user experience, and high correlation with the content, not long not short, 1-3 keywords content, so the title of the most conducive to SEO website optimization.